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Ambu Rescue Pump


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  • Handheld, Compact, lightweight
  • Adjustable vacuum
  • Overfill protection
The compact design takes up only little space and can therefore be placed easily in the emergency bag. The lightweight makes it possible to handle the pump during use easily even when using it over an extended period.

For a wide range of application the vacuum can be adjusted from 100% (450 mmHg) for the use on adults to 50% (225 mmHg) for the use on children.

The pump/handle is the reusable part of the Ambu Res-Cue Pump. It contains a special overfill protection that prevents contamination inside the pump/handle and eliminates need for flush-through procedures and prevents inconvenient exhaust splashing of liquids. The disposable collection container can easily be replaced, reducing the time for making the Res-Cue Pump ready again. 
  • Vacuum max: 450 mm Hg
  • Free airflow: Peak>20 l/min
  • Disposable collection container volume: 300 m
  • Stroke adjustment: 100% or 50% vaccuum
  • Dimensions: 185 x 64 x 168 mm
  • Weight: 230 g