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Fire Blanket 1.2x1.2 metre


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Fire blanket are made of fire resistant woven glass fiber fabric. Each family should have a fire blanket. It is easy to use and good for putting out small fires, especially in the kitchen. It is also an excellent first extinguisher in a car, boat, caravan or holiday home. The Fire blanket can be released and cover the flame in LESS THAN FIVE SECONDS! Nothing could be simpler.
Fire blanket can be used to extinguish fires in small electrical appliances (toaster, coffee maker, etc.), rubbish bins, clothes, tabletop fires caused by candles or fat pan fires.
In most cases, fire blankets can also be used to wrap around a person whose clothing is on fire.
All of our fire blankets are made to international specification and standard. Here are the types of ourfire blankets: