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Dyanmed Obstetrical Kit


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The highest quality O.B. kit in the market and competitively priced! We have selected the necessary tools and high quality supplies for successful delivery of a neonate.

  • Durable, reusable plastic case features slide lock closures with holes for inventory tags
  • 12"L x 12"W x 2"D; 2 lbs
  • Made in USA
3 PDI PVP Medium Prep Pads3 PDI Cleansing Towelettes1 Kendall Curity Maternity Pad1 Dynarex Disposable #10 Scalpel1 Pair Sterile Latex Surgical Gloves (Size 8)2 Umbilical Cord Clamps6 Sterile Sponges (4" x 4"1 Poly Bag (8" x 4" x 18")1 TIDI Drape Sheet (40" x 72")4 TIDI Towels (13" x 18")1 Aspirator Bulb (1 oz)2 Twist Ties1 Kendall Disposable Underpad (23" x 24")1 Clear Poly Zip Bag