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Sol Origin Survival Tool Kit


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The SOL Origin redefines the survival kit from the ground up. In one product that fits in the palm of your hand (case also), the Origin gives you the collection of tools you need to survive the unexpected and make it back alive. Think of it as the ultimate cross breed of the traditional ten essentials and a survival kit, all wrapped up in one lightweight, easy to carry, indestructible package.

Features whistle, knife, fire starter, flash signal mirror, 10 Lumen LED light, compass, waterproof ABS case (fits into paml of hand), 10' stainless steel wire, 10' nylon cord, foil, tinder and survival instructions help you get back alive.

The heart of the Origin is its ABS-plastic waterproof case, which contains an array of key survival tools, including TinderQuik fiestarting tinder, 150lb-test braided nylon cord, mil-spec stainless steel wire, and an emergency sewing and fishing kit. And, for those unfamiliar with wilderness survival, backcountry expert Buck Tilton s survival instructions contain over 60 survival techniques and strategies.